Recapping the Teacher Training Workshop

I had an interview with a reporter today about the Teacher Training Workshop (among other things). Besides the obvious benefit of going over every lesson and vocabulary in the syllabus, the workshop had some great moments when we covered teacher specific concepts.

We discussed the 6 Classes Method, Teaching Multiple Perspectives, and covered a handful of Teaching Tools from a handbook I am currently researching and writing. The 6 Classes Method is included in the Support Manual from my Jazz Dance Technique & Syllabus and provides teaches a helpful tool for keeping consistency in their lessons and provides the opportunity to look at any single lesson in great depth (without becoming stale or monotonous...hopefully).

Teaching Multiple Perspectives is a dance teacher specific approach to the material I will be presenting at the National Dance Education Organization’s annual conference in Minneapolis this October. In a nutshell, it looks at the variety of perspectives or mindsets both teachers and students inhabit. From a deeper understanding of Traditional, Popularist, Classical, Modern and Contemporary perspectives, we may better communicate and reach the variety of students we teach with the appropriate motivations, appeals and goals specific to the individual mindset of the student.

From my research on dance pedagogical (fancy word for teaching) tools, we explored a Learning Modality Tool (quick and easy to use 6 step tool), Linking, A Wooden (rapid-fire tool named after famed UCLA basketball coach Jon Wooden), and Growth Mindset Language (why it is best to praise effort and dangerous to praise ability).

From discussing these ideas with other teachers I found a deeper understanding of the concepts myself and I find myself getting eager to get back in the classroom. Now don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy the summer vacation. But, eventually I get a little antsy and want to get back to work.


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